National News
National News provided every hour on the hour: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year. Exclusively on 1100 KFNX “The Pulse of Arizona.” Provided by CBS News Radio.

A Better Life with Dr. Sanjay Gutpa
CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta is on the health and wellness beat with “A Better Life,” Monday through Friday at 10:40am and 5:40pm.

The Market Score Board Report with Ron Insana
Ron Insana, Host of The Market Score Board Report and contributor to CNBC, provides a daily look at the latest events in the economy, and the business world.

The Intelligence for Your Life Minute with John Tesh
John Tesh, celebrated entertainer and author, provides helpful tips and advice about faith, family, pets, and health, along with his unique perspective on current issues and trends. Weekday mornings at 11:40am.

CNBC Business Reports
CNBC is the world’s most respected financial source and the leader in business news. Providing real-time financial market coverage and business information to more than 375 million homes worldwide including more than 93.9 million households in the United States.

Your Money Now
Your Money Now…linking Main Street to Wall Street. Business and money-news reports, twice-hourly, each weekday. Our stellar lineup of business News Anchors: Jennifer Kushinka and Jim Chesko.
For 11 years, Jennifer Kushinka served as morning drive news-anchor for The Wall Street Journal Reports. Her voice is currently heard on hundreds of stations nationwide. Jim Chesko has a long history in business and financial news, including seven years at Bloomberg, and two stints with The Wall Street Journal Radio Network.